

Assignment Two

Assignment 2 is due by midnight, March 31st.

Send your answers to wandmaking@cosmoschaise.co.uk in a regular email.
(Do not send as or with an attachment. Anything received with an attachment will be deleted.)
Include, at the top of the answer email, your HOL name and House. Put in the Subject Line: "Wandmaking - Lesson 2 - (your HOL name)".

True/False- 2 points each

1. Wands are only made out of wood.
True or False?

2. Eucalyptus is primarily used for protection.
True or False?

3. A positive aspect of the color black is protection.
True or False?

4. Sensitivity or meddling is considered a 'negative' attribute of the number 3.
True or False?

5. The symbology for cats is mostly their sense of play.
True or False?

6. The holly tree is renowned for many uses, one of which is courageous magic.
True or False?

7. The color for alchemy, humility and spirit is brown.
True or False?

8. A wand with the number '4' means that one of its weaknesses is being stubborn or rigid.
True or False?

9. The wormwood plant is mostly considered in tune with magic dealing with water.
True or False?

10. It is necessary to kill an animal in order to obtain materials for your wand.
True or False?

Essay Questions - 5 points each

1. What kind of wand would be the most suitable for a new wizard or witch who is strong in general knowledge and abilities but weak in defensive skills -- and they are wanting to balance that deficit until such time as they've had their Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts classes?
What kind of wood would be best, color (if any) to paint it, length and if it needs a core, or outer attachment -- and your reasons for them. Minimum of 100 words.

2. What are you strong in, and what are your weaknesses? What kind of wand would suit you best, going by the list of woods available and why? (Remember, you can choose something to complement your strengths or enhance that which you are weaker in, so it is stronger.) Minimum of 100 words.

Extra Credit - 30 points total (15 points each)

1. Discuss the wood of the wands of Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter and Rubeus Hagrid. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the woods -- and of the wizards who had those wands? Did these strengths and weaknesses of wand/wizard complement each other, or did they magnify what was already there? (5 points for each wizard) (minimum of 200 words total, covering all three wizards)

2. We only talked about wooden wands in this lesson. What are some other materials for wands that might be appropriate -- and why do you think so? (minimum of 200 words)

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